70 GOING ON 38
osteostrong alternative

70 GOING ON 38

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She is 70 with the body of a 38 year old.

You want proof of viiiv efficacy? This is the best there is...the impact it can have on ordinary people in real life.

Check out Patricia's numbers:

DATE 11/30/21 01/11/22 04/12/22 +/- CHANGE
AGE: 69 69 70
TIME: 10:30am 10:30am 10:30am
Body Weight LBS: 141.0 135.0 138.2
Body Fat %: 32.8 31.7 29.7 -3.1%
Fat Mass LBS: 46.8 42.8 41.0 -5.8 LBS
Total Body H2O %: 46.0 46.6 48.1
Muscle LBS: 90.0 87.6 92.4 +2.4 LBS
Metabolic Age: 45 42 38 -7 YEARS
Bone LBS: 4.8 4.6 5.0
Fat Free Mass: 94.2 92.2 97.2 + 3 LBS
Lean Body Mass % of Body Weight: 67.2 68.3 69.5 +2.3%

Notice her body weight hasn't changed much but her body composition has, and that's what matters most. That's what makes you look and feel younger next year.

In 5 months her metabolic age has dropped 7 years because her fat mass has dropped 5.8 LBS and her fat free mass has increased 3.0 LBS. Consequently, her lean body mass as a percentage of her body weight has INCREASED 2.3%.

And she wasn't even trying to make this happen!

What did she do for exercise? Oh not much, literally. Just 20 sessions on the viiiv over 5 months. Specifically 5 seconds of her best effort at 5 stations for 16 weeks. The last 4 weeks were 5 seconds of effort at 4 stations.

Let's do that math. That's a total of 480 seconds or 8 minutes of effort over the course of 5 months.

She has also achieved a 78% increase in total body strength with over 100% improvements in the leg press and vertical lift, two very important exercises for Patricia since she is at high fracture risk from osteoporosis.

These positive changes, and how you get these changes, especially later in life, is what really matters to people. Patricia wants to be healthy and fit, but she also has a life, and if she can get age-defying changes in seconds rather than hours there is more time for Patricia to enjoy activity she chooses, such as chasing around her 14 grandchildren.

The point of sharing this can go both ways. On one hand I could say "look what happened as a result of using the viiiv." On the other hand I can say "look what didn't happen as a result of using the viiiv." She didn't lose muscle, she didn't get weaker, she didn't get fatter, she didn't get worse.

Yeah, don't even try to tell me seconds on the viiiv isn't enough. I've been racking up stories of proof like this for almost 20 years.

You could too.

Tuesday September 6th, 2022
Wednesday April 13th, 2022

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