Jan's DEXA Scan Results
Osteoporosis DEXA Scan Results

Jan's DEXA Scan Results

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Jan was no different than most 74 year old women. With an osteoporosis diagnosis, and despite reservations, she trusted her doctor and elected to take the prescribed bone density medication. 

Didn’t last long though.

The side effects were horrible.

So in August of 2022, she found STRONG WOMEN ROCK and we got to work using the viiivPRO to put some positive stress on her bones and get her condition reversed.

Once a week for one year she pushed and pulled in 4 different ways giving her best effort for 5 seconds.

Then she had to quit for 4 months.

But on January 4, 2024 it was back to work until she had her next DEXA exam in May.


From the summary:

“T-score significantly improved from -2.2 with HIGH fracture risk to-1.6 with LOW fracture risk now without pharmacological treatment.”

Read that again.

It’s a 37% change in her T-score.

Needless to say Jan is thrilled. Not bad for 76 years old! 

There is a lot more to say about this, so stay tuned for a future article going into more depth once Jan's full DEXA scan report is in hand with all of the details.

Sunday February 4th, 2024

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