viiiv App Upgrade - Version 4.0 Features
viiiv isometric exercise app features

viiiv App Upgrade - Version 4.0 Features

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We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of version 4.0 of the viiiv App. This is a major upgrade that will (tentatively) include the following upgrades and new features:

  1. Data stored locally and sync'd with server at intervals: Currently all viiiv User and Exercise data is stored in the cloud on our server. In the event our server experiences any downtime, we will be upgrading the way the viiiv App handles data and storage. In version 4.0, all of your data will be stored locally on the iOS device (i.e. the included Apple iPad) and in the background the data will be sync'd with our server at regular intervals. This way, there is no chance of losing any data no matter what happens because the data will be in 2 separate places.

  2. Sharing Reports will autofill the User's email address: In version 4.0, when you click the Share button to send a User's report, you won't have to copy/paste the User's email.

  3. The scale of the graph will change to show better contrast: Currently, values that are close together are hard to discern - this will change in version 4.0 so the height of the bars in the graphs will show greater contrast between values.

  4. User's name added to the Exercise screen: Currently, once you select a User from the list in a Group, there is nothing on the Exercise screen indicating which User is selected. In version 4.0, we will add the User's name to the Exercise screen so you can easily see which User is currently selected.

  5. Indicator when a Seat or Handle position changes: Currently, if you adjust the Seat or Handle position for a User, there is no indication of that change. With version 4.0, you will see in the Exercise graph which date had a position change.

  6. Editing of exercise data: On the off chance a mistake is made like Saving the result of an exercise when you meant to Retry, you will be able to edit data yourself to correct any mistakes in version 4.0.

  7. View second-by-second data for each exercise: In version 4.0, you will be able to click a bar in the graph and see all of the underlying exercise data (in half-second intervals) so you can see exactly how a User's rate of force production changes over time.

We hope to have version 4.0 released in about 2 months.

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